Low mortgage rates come with saving tips for children.

This Autumn there are more than leaves falling

Rates have been on a steady decline in the past month. Concerns over the Federal Reserve ending QE 3, and global political issues have sent global money to safer investments such as; bonds. This always benefits home loan rates. The question is how long will this...

Helpful ideas to teach kids how to save.

If you are like me I am always searching for ways to teach my son and daughter important life lessons. I found www.themint.org to be a great resource. The website is full of great content that is easy to understand. I want to share this article from their site. 7 ways...

What happened yesterday to rates?

The bond market you see in this image went crazy yesterday.  The rapid change sent all lenders into lock loan mode. The long green line indicates the bond market increased in value and home loan rates decreased. By the end of the day, the market had normalized and...

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